Photo by Joshua De Lanoit
Anthony Worden has cut his teeth in Iowa City the past two years. His advocacy for DIY show spaces in town has led him to perform alongside various inflections of rock and roll, from the psychedelic to singer-songwriters. He’s allowed these influences to shape the trajectory of his newest full-length release “Slouching Towards Tomorrow,” forthcoming September 21, 2018.
Recorded at Flat Black Studios, Worden’s sophomore album expands the soundscapes from the structures of his debut.
Where “Ideal Conceptions of the Beautiful and Good” was composed with a finger on the pulse of canonical and indie rock, Worden’s sequel gives us that same delicate swagger but enveloped in textures both angular and capacious. Easily compared to the syncopated colloquialisms of Lou Reed, Worden showcases a range that coalesces with his atmospherics. “Slouching Towards Tomorrow” kicks off with buoyant flares, then washing adrift towards where our “innocence is drowned” -- a truly Yeatsian destination. The revolution begins with love, empathy and togetherness.
Worden has shared a bill with Hippo Campus, Jay Som, Preoccupations, and Circuit des Yeux.